IDesignerGlyphProviderService.AddGlyphProvider(IDesignerGlyphProvider) Method


Adds a class that implements the IDesignerGlyphProvider interface to the list of glyph providers that an activity designer uses.

 void AddGlyphProvider(System::Workflow::ComponentModel::Design::IDesignerGlyphProvider ^ glyphProvider);
public void AddGlyphProvider (System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerGlyphProvider glyphProvider);
abstract member AddGlyphProvider : System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerGlyphProvider -> unit
Public Sub AddGlyphProvider (glyphProvider As IDesignerGlyphProvider)



The following code example shows how to use the AddGlyphProvider method to add the provider to an activity designer.

This code example is part of the Workflow Monitor SDK Sample from the ViewHost.cs file. For more information, see Workflow Monitor.

this.workflowViewValue = new WorkflowView(this.surface);
this.workflowViewValue.ZoomChanged += new EventHandler(workflowViewValue_ZoomChanged);

Applies to

See also