ListView.PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable) Method


Binds the ListView control to the specified data source.

protected public:
 override void PerformDataBinding(System::Collections::IEnumerable ^ data);
protected internal override void PerformDataBinding (System.Collections.IEnumerable data);
override this.PerformDataBinding : System.Collections.IEnumerable -> unit
Protected Friend Overrides Sub PerformDataBinding (data As IEnumerable)



An object that implements the IEnumerable interface and that contains the data.


The PerformDataBinding method is a helper method that is called by the ListView control to bind the control to the specified data source.

Notes to Inheritors

Because the DataBind() method is sealed, you must override the PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable) method if you want to perform any additional tasks when binding data.

Applies to

See also