ITraceWriterExtensions.Error Method


Namespace:   System.Web.Http.Tracing
Assembly:  System.Web.Http (in System.Web.Http.dll)

Overload List

Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Error(ITraceWriter, HttpRequestMessage, String, Exception)

Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category and exception.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Error(ITraceWriter, HttpRequestMessage, String, Exception, String, Object[])

Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category, exception, message format and argument.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Error(ITraceWriter, HttpRequestMessage, String, String, Object[])

Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category, message format and argument.

See Also

ITraceWriterExtensions Class
System.Web.Http.Tracing Namespace

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ITraceWriterExtensions.Error Method (ITraceWriter, HttpRequestMessage, String, Exception)

Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category and exception.


public static void Error(
    this ITraceWriter traceWriter,
    HttpRequestMessage request,
    string category,
    Exception exception
static void Error(
    ITraceWriter^ traceWriter,
    HttpRequestMessage^ request,
    String^ category,
    Exception^ exception
static member Error : 
        traceWriter:ITraceWriter *
        request:HttpRequestMessage *
        category:string *
        exception:Exception -> unit
Public Shared Sub Error (
    traceWriter As ITraceWriter,
    request As HttpRequestMessage,
    category As String,
    exception As Exception


  • category
    Type: System.String

    The logical category of the trace.

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ITraceWriterExtensions.Error Method (ITraceWriter, HttpRequestMessage, String, Exception, String, Object[])

Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category, exception, message format and argument.


public static void Error(
    this ITraceWriter traceWriter,
    HttpRequestMessage request,
    string category,
    Exception exception,
    string messageFormat,
    params object[] messageArguments
static void Error(
    ITraceWriter^ traceWriter,
    HttpRequestMessage^ request,
    String^ category,
    Exception^ exception,
    String^ messageFormat,
    ... array<Object^>^ messageArguments
static member Error : 
        traceWriter:ITraceWriter *
        request:HttpRequestMessage *
        category:string *
        exception:Exception *
        messageFormat:string *
        [<ParamArrayAttribute>] messageArguments:Object[] -> unit
Public Shared Sub Error (
    traceWriter As ITraceWriter,
    request As HttpRequestMessage,
    category As String,
    exception As Exception,
    messageFormat As String,
    ParamArray messageArguments As Object()


  • category
    Type: System.String

    The logical category of the trace.

  • messageArguments
    Type: System.Object[]

    The argument in the message.

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ITraceWriterExtensions.Error Method (ITraceWriter, HttpRequestMessage, String, String, Object[])

Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category, message format and argument.


public static void Error(
    this ITraceWriter traceWriter,
    HttpRequestMessage request,
    string category,
    string messageFormat,
    params object[] messageArguments
static void Error(
    ITraceWriter^ traceWriter,
    HttpRequestMessage^ request,
    String^ category,
    String^ messageFormat,
    ... array<Object^>^ messageArguments
static member Error : 
        traceWriter:ITraceWriter *
        request:HttpRequestMessage *
        category:string *
        messageFormat:string *
        [<ParamArrayAttribute>] messageArguments:Object[] -> unit
Public Shared Sub Error (
    traceWriter As ITraceWriter,
    request As HttpRequestMessage,
    category As String,
    messageFormat As String,
    ParamArray messageArguments As Object()


  • category
    Type: System.String

    The logical category of the trace.

  • messageArguments
    Type: System.Object[]

    The argument in the message.

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