System.Web.Http.Routing Namespace



Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass DefaultDirectRouteProvider

A default implementation of IDirectRouteProvider.

System_CAPS_pubclass DefaultInlineConstraintResolver

The default implementation of IInlineConstraintResolver. Resolves constraints by parsing a constraint key and constraint arguments, using a map to resolve the constraint type, and calling an appropriate constructor for the constraint type.

System_CAPS_pubclass DirectRouteFactoryContext

Represents a context that supports creating a direct route.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpMethodConstraint

Enables you to define which HTTP verbs are allowed when ASP.NET routing determines whether a URL matches a route.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpRoute

Represents a route class for self-host (i.e. hosted outside of ASP.NET).

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpRouteData

Encapsulates information regarding the HTTP route.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpRouteDataExtensions

Removes all optional parameters that do not have a value from the route data.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpRouteValueDictionary

Represents a route class for self-host of specified key/value pairs.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpVirtualPathData

Presents the data regarding the HTTP virtual path.

System_CAPS_pubclass RouteEntry

Represents a named route.

System_CAPS_pubclass RouteFactoryAttribute

Represents an attribute route that may contain custom constraints.

System_CAPS_pubclass StopRoutingHandler

Represents a handler that specifies routing should not handle requests for a route template. When a route provides this class as a handler, requests matching against the route will be ignored.

System_CAPS_pubclass UrlHelper

Represents a factory for creating URLs.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IDirectRouteBuilder

Defines a builder that creates direct routes to actions (attribute routes).

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDirectRouteFactory

Defines a factory that creates a route directly to a set of action descriptors (an attribute route).

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDirectRouteProvider

Defines a provider for routes that directly target action descriptors (attribute routes).

System_CAPS_pubinterface IHttpRoute

IHttpRoute defines the interface for a route expressing how to map an incoming HttpRequestMessage to a particular controller and action.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IHttpRouteConstraint

Represents a base class route constraint.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IHttpRouteData

Provides information about a route.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IHttpRouteInfoProvider

Provides information for defining a route.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IHttpVirtualPathData

Defines the properties for HTTP route.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IInlineConstraintResolver

Defines an abstraction for resolving inline constraints as instances of IHttpRouteConstraint.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IRoutePrefix

Defines a route prefix.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum HttpRouteDirection

Specifies an enumeration of route direction.

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