WsdlImporter.ImportAllEndpoints Method


Returns a ServiceEndpointCollection that represents the endpoints in WSDL documents.

 override System::ServiceModel::Description::ServiceEndpointCollection ^ ImportAllEndpoints();
public override System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpointCollection ImportAllEndpoints ();
override this.ImportAllEndpoints : unit -> System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpointCollection
Public Overrides Function ImportAllEndpoints () As ServiceEndpointCollection


A ServiceEndpointCollection that represents the endpoints in WSDL documents.


The WsdlImporter has encountered an error.


Use the ImportAllEndpoints method to import all endpoint information from the metadata documents and return them as a collection of ServiceEndpoint objects. Check the Errors property to determine whether there are any import errors before using the returned objects.

To import only a specific WSDL port, see the ImportEndpoint method.

Applies to