HttpClientExtensions Methods


Namespace:   System.Net.Http
Assembly:  System.Net.Http.Formatting (in System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with the given value serialized as JSON.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, CancellationToken)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with the given value serialized as JSON.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsXmlAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsXmlAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsXmlAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with the given value serialized as XML.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsXmlAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, CancellationToken)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with the given value serialized as XML.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter, MediaTypeHeaderValue, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter, CancellationToken)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter, MediaTypeHeaderValue, CancellationToken)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PostAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String, CancellationToken)

Sends a POST request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with the given value serialized as JSON.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, CancellationToken)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with the given value serialized as JSON.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsXmlAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsXmlAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsXmlAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with the given value serialized as XML.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsXmlAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, CancellationToken)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with the given value serialized as XML.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter, MediaTypeHeaderValue, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, String, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String, CancellationToken)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter, CancellationToken)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter, MediaTypeHeaderValue, CancellationToken)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static PutAsync<T>(HttpClient, Uri, T, MediaTypeFormatter, String, CancellationToken)

Sends a PUT request as an asynchronous operation to the specified Uri with value serialized using the given formatter.

See Also

HttpClientExtensions Class
System.Net.Http Namespace

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