SyndicationItemProperty Enumeration

Enumeration type that is used to identify the syndication item element or attribute in the Open Data Protocol (OData) feed to which an entity property is mapped.

Namespace:  System.Data.Services.Common
Assembly:  Microsoft.Data.OData (in Microsoft.Data.OData.dll)


Public Enumeration SyndicationItemProperty
Dim instance As SyndicationItemProperty
public enum SyndicationItemProperty
public enum class SyndicationItemProperty
type SyndicationItemProperty
public enum SyndicationItemProperty


Member name Description
AuthorEmail The atom:email child element of the atom:author element.
AuthorName The atom:name child element of the atom:author element.
AuthorUri The atom:uri child element of the atom:author element.
ContributorEmail The atom:email child element of the atom:contributor element.
ContributorName The atom:name child element of the atom:contributor element.
ContributorUri The atom:uri child element of the atom:contributor element.
CustomProperty A custom property element.
Published The atom:published element.
Rights The atom:rights element.
Summary The atom:summary element.
Title The atom:title element.
Updated The atom:updated element.


The values of this enumeration are used when you define a custom OData feed mapping.

See Also


System.Data.Services.Common Namespace

Other Resources

Feed Customization (WCF Data Services)