IMultiTargetingSupportService Interface


Provides multi-targeting for Windows Workflow Designer hosts.

public interface class IMultiTargetingSupportService
public interface IMultiTargetingSupportService
type IMultiTargetingSupportService = interface
Public Interface IMultiTargetingSupportService


Multi-targeting is the ability to find the right version of the loaded assembly that corresponds to the target .NET Framework version of the current workflow project in Visual Studio 2010.

This interface is implemented and used internally by WF designer components to resolve .NET Framework assemblies in a multi-targeting aware fashion within the Visual Studio 2010 hosting application. The WF designer components use the implementation of this interface only when additional assemblies need to be loaded dynamically into the editing AppDomain.



Returns the currently loaded assembly given the assembly name.


Gets the runtime type that corresponds to the specified type.


Returns a value that indicates whether the specified type is supported.

Applies to