CallStateTransitionReason Enum


Defines the reasons for call state transitions.

public enum class CallStateTransitionReason
public enum CallStateTransitionReason
type CallStateTransitionReason = 
Public Enum CallStateTransitionReason


Accepted 4

Call is being accepted.

CallDelayed 2

Call establishment operation might be delayed due to redirection of call.

CallParked 23

Call park operation succeeded.

CallReplaced 25

Call has been replaced by another call.

CallTransferred 15

Call was transferred successfully.

Canceled 9

Call has been canceled.

Deflected 17

No reason specified.

DeflectedByAutomaticaticCallDistributor 22

This value will be removed from future versions. Instead, use DeflectedByAutomaticCallDistributor. Call is being forwarded to an automatic call distributor.

DeflectedByAutomaticCallDistributor 22

Call is being forwarded to an automatic call distributor.

DeflectedToAnotherDestination 19

Call is being forwarded to another target.

DeflectedToDelegate 21

Call is being forwarded to a delegate.

DeflectedToTeam 20

Call is being forwarded as a team call.

DeflectedWithUnknownReason 18

Reason specified is unknown.

Established 5

Call establishment is completed.

EstablishFailed 6

Call establishment failed.

Establishing 3

Call is being initiated.

None 0

Unspecified or unknown reason.

ParkFailed 24

Call park operation failed.

Ringing 1

One of the remote endpoints is ringing. Only raised once.

Terminated 16

Call was terminated.

TerminatedLocally 7

Local participant has terminated the call.

TerminatedRemotely 8

Remote participant has terminated the call.

TransferAccepted 13

Incoming transfer request was accepted

TransferFailed 14

Transfer operation failed.

TransferredLocally 10

Call has been transferred by the local participant.

TransferredRemotely 11

Call has been transferred by the remote participant.

TransferSent 12

Transfer message was sent.

Applies to