WSS Members

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Provides constants that are used in a project workspace.

The WSS type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method WSS Creates an instance of the WSS class.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member MAX_WORKSPACE_NAME Specifies the maximum length of a project workspace name.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_WORKSPACE_SERVER_RELATIVE_DIR_NAME Specifies the maximum length of a workspace server relative directory name.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_WORKSPACE_SERVER_RELATIVE_URL Specifies the maximum length of a workspace server relative URL.
Public fieldStatic member PwaRibbonFeatureUid Specifies the GUID for the ribbon graphical user interface feature of Project Web Access.
Public fieldStatic member ReportCenterLink Represents a string that contains the name of the SharePoint Report Center site template.
Public fieldStatic member UserDoesNotExistsOrNotUnique Specifies the error code that indicates that a user does not exist or is not unique.
Public fieldStatic member UserOrGroupUnknown Specifies the error code that indicates that a user or group is unknown.
Public fieldStatic member ValidationHierarchyNotValid Specifies the error code that signals that the directory structure for a project workspace site does not exist.
Public fieldStatic member ValidationNoError Specifies the error code that indicates that there is no error.
Public fieldStatic member ValidationURIInvalid Specifies the error code that signals that the workspace URL is not a well-formed URI or that the site hierarchy does not exist under this path.
Public fieldStatic member ValidationWorkspaceAlreadyExists Specifies the error code that signals that the project workspace that the user is trying to create already exists.
Public fieldStatic member ValidationWorkspaceContainsIllegalChars Specifies the error code that signals that the project workspace name contains illegal characters.
Public fieldStatic member ValidationWorkspaceNameCannotStartOrEndWithPeriod Specifies the error code that signals that a workspace name starts or ends with a period.
Public fieldStatic member ValidationWorkspaceNameIsBlank Specifies the error code that signals that the project workspace name is blank.
Public fieldStatic member ValidationWorkspaceUrlOrPartsTooLong Specifies the error code that indicates that the length of a site URL part or the length of a workspace URL exceeds the maximum number of characters that are allowed.
Public fieldStatic member WssProjectWorkspaceFeatureUid Specifies the GUID of the project workspace template.
Public fieldStatic member WssPWADefaultTemplateNumericId Specifies the ID number for the default project workspace Project Web Access template.
Public fieldStatic member WssPWSDefaultTemplateName Specifies the default project site template name.
Public fieldStatic member WssPWSDefaultTemplateNumericId Specifies the project workspace default template ID number.
Public fieldStatic member WssPWSTemplateNumericIdMaxLimit Specifies the maximum template ID number in the range of numbers that are assigned to project workspace templates.
Public fieldStatic member WssPWSTemplateNumericIdMinLimit Specifies the minimum template ID number in the range of numbers that are assigned to project workspace templates.


See Also


WSS Class

Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library Namespace