WdIMEMode Enumeration 

Specifies the default start-up mode for the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME).

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in microsoft.office.interop.word.dll)


Dim wdIMEMode1 As WdIMEMode = WdIMEMode.wdIMEModeAlpha


Public Enum WdIMEMode
public enum WdIMEMode
public enum class WdIMEMode
public enum WdIMEMode
public enum WdIMEMode


Member name Description
wdIMEModeAlpha Activates the IME in half-width Latin mode.
wdIMEModeAlphaFull Activates the IME in full-width Latin mode.
wdIMEModeHangul Activates the IME in half-width Hangul mode.
wdIMEModeHangulFull Activates the IME in full-width Hangul mode.
wdIMEModeHiragana Activates the IME in full-width hiragana mode.
wdIMEModeKatakana Activates the IME in full-width katakana mode.
wdIMEModeKatakanaHalf Activates the IME in half-width katakana mode.
wdIMEModeNoControl Does not change the IME mode.
wdIMEModeOff Disables the IME and activates Latin text entry.
wdIMEModeOn Activates the IME.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000

Target Platforms

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace