ListFormat Methods

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The ListFormat type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ApplyBulletDefault Adds bullets and formatting to the paragraphs in the range for the specified ListFormat object. If the paragraphs are already formatted with bullets, this method removes the bullets and formatting.
Public method ApplyBulletDefaultOld Reserved for internal use.
Public method ApplyListTemplate Applies a set of list-formatting characteristics to the specified ListFormat object.
Public method ApplyListTemplateOld Reserved for internal use.
Public method ApplyListTemplateWithLevel Applies a set of list-formatting characteristics, optionally for a specified level.
Public method ApplyNumberDefault Adds the default numbering scheme to the paragraphs in the range for the specified ListFormat object. If the paragraphs are already formatted as a numbered list, this method removes the numbers and formatting.
Public method ApplyNumberDefaultOld Reserved for internal use.
Public method ApplyOutlineNumberDefault Adds the default outline-numbering scheme to the paragraphs in the range for the specified ListFormat object. If the paragraphs are already formatted as an outline-numbered list, this method removes the numbers and formatting.
Public method ApplyOutlineNumberDefaultOld Reserved for internal use.
Public method CanContinuePreviousList Returns a WdContinue constant (wdContinueDisabled, wdResetList, or wdContinueList) that indicates whether the formatting from the previous list can be continued.
Public method ConvertNumbersToText Changes the list numbers and LISTNUM fields in the specified ListFormat object to text.
Public method CountNumberedItems Returns the number of bulleted or numbered items and LISTNUM fields in the specified ListFormat object.
Public method ListIndent Increases the list level of the paragraphs in the range for the specified ListFormat object, in increments of one level.
Public method ListOutdent Decreases the list level of the paragraphs in the range for the specified ListFormat object, in increments of one level.
Public method RemoveNumbers Removes numbers or bullets from the specified ListFormat object.


See Also


ListFormat Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace