ConversationWindowInformationType enumeration

Enumerates the conversation window properties.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Lync.Model.Extensibility
Assembly:  Microsoft.Lync.Model (in Microsoft.Lync.Model.dll)


Public Enumeration ConversationWindowInformationType
Dim instance As ConversationWindowInformationType
public enum ConversationWindowInformationType


Member name Description
WidthMin The minimum width of the conversation window.
HeightMin The minimum height of the conversation window.
IsDocked Is the conversation window docked?
HasVideo Returns true if the conversation window is showing the main video pane.
HasContentStage Returns true if the content stage is being shown.
HasExtensionPane Returns true if the conversation window is showing the extension pane.
IsFullScreen Returns true if the conversation window is in fullscreen mode.

See also


Microsoft.Lync.Model.Extensibility namespace