AcceptedDomain properties

The AcceptedDomain type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property IsInCorporation When overridden in a derived class, the IsInCorporation property gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the domain represented by the instance of the class derived from the AcceptedDomain class is in the Active Directory directory service forest of the server.
Public property NameSpecification When overridden in a derived class, the NameSpecification property gets a value that contains the domain name or wildcard specification for the domain represented by the instance of the class derived from the AcceptedDomain class.
Public property TenantId The TenantId property gets the tenant identifier for the accepted domain.
Public property UseAddressBook When overridden in a derived class, the UseAddressBook property gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the address book contains all recipients for the domain represented by the instance of the class derived from the AcceptedDomain class.


See also


AcceptedDomain class

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport namespace