ByteQuantifiedSize operators and type conversions

The ByteQuantifiedSize type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public operatorStatic member Addition(ByteQuantifiedSize, ByteQuantifiedSize) Adds two ByteQuantifiedSize instances.
Public operatorStatic member Addition(ByteQuantifiedSize, Int32) Adds an integer value to a ByteQuantifiedSize instance.
Public operatorStatic member Addition(ByteQuantifiedSize, UInt64) Adds a 64-bit integer value to a ByteQuantifiedSize instance.
Public operatorStatic member Division(ByteQuantifiedSize, ByteQuantifiedSize) Divides one ByteQuantifiedSize instance by another.
Public operatorStatic member Division(ByteQuantifiedSize, Int32) Divides a ByteQuantifiedSize instance by an integer.
Public operatorStatic member Division(ByteQuantifiedSize, UInt64) Divides a ByteQuantifiedSize instance by a 64-bit integer.
Public operatorStatic member Equality Determines whether two specified instances of ByteQuantifiedSize are equal.
Public operatorStatic member Explicit(ByteQuantifiedSize to UInt64) Converts the value of the specified ByteQuantifiedSize to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
Public operatorStatic member Explicit(ByteQuantifiedSize to Double) Converts the value of the specified ByteQuantifiedSize to a double value.
Public operatorStatic member GreaterThan Indicates whether a specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance is greater than another specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance.
Public operatorStatic member GreaterThanOrEqual Indicates whether a specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance is greater than or equal to another specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance.
Public operatorStatic member Inequality Indicates whether a specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance is not equal to another specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance.
Public operatorStatic member LessThan Indicates whether a specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance is less than another specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance.
Public operatorStatic member LessThanOrEqual Indicates whether a specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance is less than or equal to another specified ByteQuantifiedSize instance.
Public operatorStatic member Multiply(ByteQuantifiedSize, ByteQuantifiedSize) Multiplies one ByteQuantifiedSize instance by another.
Public operatorStatic member Multiply(ByteQuantifiedSize, Int32) Multiplies a ByteQuantifiedSize instance by an integer.
Public operatorStatic member Multiply(ByteQuantifiedSize, UInt64) Multiplies a ByteQuantifiedSize instance by a 64-bit integer.
Public operatorStatic member Subtraction(ByteQuantifiedSize, ByteQuantifiedSize) Subtracts two ByteQuantifiedSize instances.
Public operatorStatic member Subtraction(ByteQuantifiedSize, Int32) Subtracts an integer value from a ByteQuantifiedSize instance.
Public operatorStatic member Subtraction(ByteQuantifiedSize, UInt64) Subtracts a 64-bit integer value from a ByteQuantifiedSize instance.


See also


ByteQuantifiedSize structure

Microsoft.Exchange.Data namespace