Clone method example (VBScript)

Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013

This example uses the Clone method to create copies of a Recordset and then lets the user position the record pointer of each copy independently.

Use the following example in an Active Server Page (ASP). This example uses the Northwind database distributed with Microsoft Access. Cut and paste the following code to Notepad or another text editor and save it as CloneVBS.asp. You can view the result in any client browser.

To exercise the example, change the line RsCustomerList.Source = "Customers" to to RsCustomerList.Source = "Products" to count a larger table.

<!-- BeginCloneVBS --> 
<% Language = VBScript %> 
<%' use this meta tag instead of> 
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" uuid="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" --> 
<TITLE>ADO Clone Method</TITLE> 
<H1 align="center">ADO Clone Method</H1> 
<% ' to integrate/test this code replace the  
   ' Data Source value in the Connection string%> 
    ' connection and recordset variables 
    Dim Cnxn, strCnxn 
    Dim rsCustomers, strSQLCustomers 
    Dim rsFirst, rsLast, rsCount 
    Dim rsClone 
    Dim CloneFirst, CloneLast, CloneCount 
    ' open connection 
    Set Cnxn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
    strCnxn = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source=" & _ 
            Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & ";" & _ 
            "Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial Catalog='Northwind';" 
    Cnxn.Open strCnxn 
    ' create and open Recordset using object refs 
    Set rsCustomers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 
    strSQLCustomers = "Customers" 
    rsCustomers.ActiveConnection = Cnxn 
    rsCustomers.CursorLocation = adUseClient 
    rsCustomers.CursorType = adOpenKeyset 
    rsCustomers.LockType = adLockOptimistic 
    rsCustomers.Source = strSQLCustomers 
    rsCount = rsCustomers.RecordCount 
    rsFirst = rsCustomers("CompanyName") 
    rsLast = rsCustomers("CompanyName") 
    ' create clone 
    Set rsClone = rsCustomers.Clone 
    CloneCount = rsClone.RecordCount 
    CloneFirst = rsClone("CompanyName") 
    CloneLast = rsClone("CompanyName") 
<!-- Display Results --> 
<H3>There Are <%=rsCount%> Records in the original recordset</H3> 
<H3>The first record is <%=rsFirst%> and the last record is <%=rsLast%></H3> 
<H3>There Are <%=CloneCount%> Records in the original recordset</H3> 
<H3>The first record is <%=CloneFirst%> and the last record is <%=CloneLast%></H3> 
<H4>Location of OLEDB Database</H4> 
    ' Show location of DSN data source 
    ' Clean up 
    If rsCustomers.State = adStateOpen then 
    End If 
    If rsClone.State = adStateOpen then 
    End If 
    If Cnxn.State = adStateOpen then 
    End If 
    Set rsCustomers = Nothing 
    Set rsClone = Nothing 
    Set Cnxn = Nothing 
<!-- EndCloneVBS -->