Programming Enhanced Presence Schemas

The following tasks are discussed in this three-part article about publishing and subscribing to enhanced presence.

  1. Publishing and subscribing to enhanced presence involves creating, parsing, and manipulating enhanced presence category instances as XML elements. Part 1 discusses how to transform the enhanced presence XML schema types into their corresponding Microsoft .NET Framework classes.

  2. After publishing an enhanced presence category, you must create the XML string of a given category instance. Part 2 discusses how to programmatically generate this string by instantiating a common language runtime (CLR) class of the XSD type as defined in a unified communications enhanced presence schema.

  3. In part 3, you learn how to parse a schematized enhanced presence category instance with the Microsoft.NET Framework System.Xml.Serialization and System.Reflection namespaces. This kind of parsing makes your parsing code reusable and subject to fewer errors than direct manipulations of the raw XML strings that use either XPath with regular expression or XML Document Object Model (DOM).

See Also

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