Width # Statement

This page is specific to the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Language Reference for Office 2010.

Assigns an output line width to a file opened using the Open statement.


**Width #**filenumber, width

The Width # statement syntax has these parts:




Required. Any valid file number.


Required. Numeric expression in the range 0–255, inclusive, that indicates how many characters appear on a line before a new line is started. If width equals 0, there is no limit to the length of a line. The default value for width is 0.


This example uses the Width # statement to set the output line width for a file.

Dim I 
Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1 ' Open file for output. 
VBA.Width 1, 5 ' Set output line width to 5. 
For I = 0 To 9 ' Loop 10 times. 
 Print #1, Chr(48 + I); ' Prints five characters per line. 
Next I 
Close #1 ' Close file.