WebTextBox.EchoAsterisks property (Publisher)

Specifies whether asterisks should be displayed in place of text that is entered into a web text box control. Read/write.



expression A variable that represents a WebTextBox object.

Return value



The EchoAsterisks property value can be one of the MsoTriState constants declared in the Microsoft Office type library and shown in the following table.

Constant Description
msoFalse Displays the text entered into a web text box control.
msoTrue Displays asterisks in place of text entered into a web text box control.


This example creates a web text box control, sets the maximum limit as ten characters, specifies that entry is required, and masks the entry with asterisks when a user enters into the control.

Sub AddPasswordTextBox() 
 With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddWebControl _ 
 (Type:=pbWebControlSingleLineTextBox, Left:=100, _ 
 Top:=100, Width:=72, Height:=15) 
 .Name = "Password" 
 With .WebTextBox 
 .Limit = 10 
 .EchoAsterisks = msoTrue 
 .RequiredControl = msoTrue 
 End With 
 End With 
End Sub

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