MsoEnvelope.EnvelopeHide Event (Office)

Occurs when the user interface (UI) that corresponds to the MsoEnvelope object is hidden.


expression .EnvelopeHide

expression An expression that returns a MsoEnvelope object.


The MsoEnvelope object provides access to functionality that lets you send documents as e-mail messages directly from Microsoft Office applications.


The following example sets up event-handling routines for the MsoEnvelope object.

Public WithEvents env As MsoEnvelope 
Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
 Set env = Application.ActiveDocument.MailEnvelope 
End Sub 
Private Sub env_EnvelopeShow() 
 MsgBox "The MsoEnvelope UI is showing." 
End Sub 
Private Sub env_EnvelopeHide() 
 MsgBox "The MsoEnvelope UI is hidden." 
End Sub 

See Also


MsoEnvelope Object Members

MsoEnvelope Object