Page.OriginalPage Property (Visio)

Returns the Page object that represents the original Microsoft Visio drawing page that was marked up on separate markup overlays by reviewers of the drawing. Read-only.

Version Information

Version Added: Visio 2003


expression .OriginalPage

expression A variable that represents a Page object.

Return Value



If the Page parent object is not a markup overlay, OriginalPage returns an error. To determine if a page is a markup overlay, check to see whether Page.Type = visTypeMarkup (3).

When a user clicks Track Markup, Visio creates a new page of type visTypeMarkup. The original page has type visTypeForeground or visTypeBackground. Each markup overlay is associated with a unique original drawing page.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro uses the OriginalPage property to get the name of the original page that was marked up on a markup overlay and display it in the Immediate window. Before running this macro, make sure that a drawing page is displayed in the active window.

Public Sub OriginalPage_Example() 
 'Turn on Track Markup to make a markup overlay the active page. 
 Application.ActiveDocument.DocumentSheet.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowDoc, visDocAddMarkup).FormulaU = True 
 'Display the name of the original page that currently is being marked up. 
 Debug.Print ActivePage.OriginalPage.Name 
End Sub