MSFT_SIPQMSAlertingDefaults (New)

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Defines default alerting thresholds for locations, Audio/Video Conferencing Servers, and Mediation Servers. This class enables you to edit the warning level, error level, and minimum call volume for each performance counter. These default settings will only be used for all monitored locations that do not have custom threshold settings enabled.

The property values for the MSFT_SIPQMSAlertingDefaults class map to the settings found in the Default Location Thresholds dialog box. You can access these values in the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Administration Tool by expanding the Monitoring Servers node, right-click the name of a particular monitoring server and then click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, on the Locations tab, click Locations and then click Default.


Thresholds defined by an instance of this class are used by the System Center Configuration Manager (SCOM) pack for Quality of Experience media monitoring.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order, not MOF order.


class MSFT_SIPQMSAlertingDefaults
  string AlertingType;
  string Category;
  uint32 ErrorLevel;
  [key] string InstanceID;
  uint32 MinimumCallVolume;
  uint32 WarningLevel;


This class does not define any methods.


The MSFT_SIPQMSAlertingDefaults class has the following properties.

  • AlertingType
    Data type: string

    Access type: Read-only

    Required. Specifies the alert type for an instance of this class.

    The value of this property is not case-sensitive.



    Applies To


    Percentage of calls where Network MOS degradation exceeds 1.0 (default)

    Locations, A/V Conferencing Servers, and Mediation Servers


    Percentage of audio calls whose roundtrip time exceeds 500 ms (default)

    Locations, A/V Conferencing Servers, and Mediation Servers


    Percentage of audio calls that fail to establish a media session

    Locations, A/V Conferencing Servers, and Mediation Servers


    Percentage of video calls in which more than 15% (default) of video packets are lost

    Locations and A/V Conferencing Servers

    The maximum length of the string is 20 characters.

    The AlertingType property maps to the Counter setting in the Default Location Thresholds dialog box.

  • Category
    Data type: string

    Access type: Read-only

    Required. Specifies whether this threshold is for monitored Mediation Servers, A/V Conferencing Servers, or locations.

    The value of this property is not case-sensitive.




    Defines the threshold for Mediation Servers


    Defines the threshold for A/V Conferencing Servers


    Defines the threshold for locations

    The maximum length of the string is 10 characters.

    The Category property does not map to the Default Location Thresholds dialog box.

  • ErrorLevel
    Data type: uint32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Specifies the percentile error level for the alert.

    This value must be greater or equal to the WarningLevel value.

    The minimum value for this property is 1 and the maximum value is 100.

    The ErrorLevel property maps to the Error Level setting in the Default Location Thresholds dialog box.

  • InstanceID
    Data type: [key] string

    Access type: Read-only

    Required, A GUID value that uniquely identifies an instance of this class.

    The GUID must be encapsulated between the "{" and "}" braces; for example: "{01234567-0123-4567-89AB-CDEF01234567}".

    The InstanceID property does not map to the Default Location Thresholds dialog box.

  • MinimumCallVolume
    Data type: uint32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. The minimum volume of total calls required for triggering alerts within the interval defined by MSFT_SIPQMSDBConfigSetting.SlidingWindowSize.

    The default value for this property is 30.

    The minimum value for this property is 1 and the maximum value is 2147483647.

    The MinimumCallVolume property maps to the Minimum Call Volume setting in the Default Location Thresholds dialog box.

  • WarningLevel
    Data type: uint32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Required. Specifies the percentile warning level for the alert. This must be less than or equal to the ErrorLevel value.

    The minimum value for this property is 1 and the maximum value is 100.

    The WarningLevel property maps to the Warning Level setting in the Default Location Thresholds dialog box.


This class gets and sets information at the following level: WMI.

Instances of this class support the following interface methods:

  • Provider::EnumerateInstances();

  • Provider::GetObject();

  • Provider::PutInstance();

    Where PutInstance() supports the following flags:





Server: Installed on computers serving the following role: Monitoring Server.

Namespace: Defined in \root\cimv2.

See Also


Office Communications Server WMI Reference