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Framework library function that creates a temporary XLOPER/XLOPER12 of type xltypeMissing.

LPXLOPER TempMissing(void);
LPXLOPER12 TempMissing12(void);


This function takes no parameters.

Return Value

Returns a pointer to an xltypeMissingXLOPER/XLOPER12.


This example uses TempMissing12 to provide three missing arguments to xlcWorkspace followed by a BooleanFALSE to suppress the display of worksheet scroll bars. The first three arguments correspond to other workspace settings which are unaffected.


short WINAPI TempMissingExample(void)
   XLOPER12 xBool;

   xBool.xltype = xltypeBool;
   xBool.val.xbool = 0;
   Excel12f(xlcWorkspace, 0, 4, TempMissing12(), TempMissing12(),
      TempMissing12(), (LPXLOPER12)&xBool);
   return 1;

See Also


Functions in the Framework Library