CodeData Object Members

Access Developer Reference

The CodeData object refers to objects stored within the code database by the source (server) application.


  Name Description,office.12).gif AllDatabaseDiagrams You can use the AllDatabaseDiagrams property to reference the AllDatabaseDiagrams collection and its related properties. Read-only AllDatabaseDiagrams object.,office.12).gif AllFunctions You can use the AllFunctions property to reference the AllFunctions collection and its related properties. Read-only AllFunctions object.,office.12).gif AllQueries You can use the AllQueries property to reference the AllQueries collection and its related properties. Read-only AllQueries object.,office.12).gif AllStoredProcedures You can use the AllStoredProcedures property to reference the AllStoredProcedures collection and its related properties. Read-only AllStoredProcedures object.,office.12).gif AllTables You can use the AllTables property to reference the AllTables collection and its related properties. Read-only AllTables object.,office.12).gif AllViews You can use the AllViews property to reference the AllViews collection and its related properties. Read-only AllViews object.