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ListBox.List Property

Outlook Forms Script Reference

Returns or sets a Variant that represents the specified entry in a ListBox. Read/write.


expression.List(pvargIndex, pvargColumn)

expression   A variable that represents a ListBox object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
pvargIndex Optional Variant An integer with a range from 0 to one less than the number of entries in the list.
pvargColumn Optional Variant An integer with a range from 0 to one less than the number of columns in the list.


Row and column numbering begins with zero. That is, the row number of the first row in the list is zero; the column number of the first column is zero. The number of the second row or column is 1, and so on.

The List property works with the ListCount and ListIndex properties. Use List to access list items. A list is a variant array; each item in the list has a row number and a column number.

Initially, a ListBox contains an empty list.

To specify items you want to display in a ListBox, use the AddItem method. To remove items, use the RemoveItem method.

Use List to copy an entire two-dimensional array of values to a control. Use AddItem to load a one-dimensional array or to load an individual element.

See Also