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Reject Method

Rejects the specified tracked change. The revision marks are removed, leaving the original text intact.

Note  Formatting changes cannot be rejected.


expression Required. An expression that returns a Revision object.


This example rejects the next tracked change found in the active document.

Dim revNext As Revision

If ActiveDocument.Revisions.Count >= 1 Then
    Set revNext = Selection.NextRevision
    If Not (revNext Is Nothing) Then revNext.Reject
End If

This example rejects the tracked changes in the first paragraph.

Dim rngTemp As Range
Dim revLoop As Revision

Set rngTemp = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range
For Each revLoop In rngTemp.Revisions
Next revLoop

This example rejects the first tracked change in the selection.

Dim rngTemp As Range

Set rngTemp = Selection.Range
If rngTemp.Revisions.Count >= 1 Then _

Applies to | Revision Object

See Also | Accept Method | RejectAll Method | RejectAllRevisions Method