Message Property

Returns or sets the message text for the specified routing slip. The text is used as the body text of the mail message for routing the document. Read/write String.


expression Required. An expression that returns a RoutingSlip object.


This example adds a routing slip to the active document, sets the subject and message text, adds a recipient, and then routes the document.

ActiveDocument.HasRoutingSlip = True
With ActiveDocument.RoutingSlip
    .Subject = "Status Doc"
    .Message = "Please fill in your status."
    .AddRecipient Recipient:="Kate Dresen"
End With

If "Monthly Report.doc" has a routing slip attached to it, this example displays the message text.

Set myDoc = Documents("Monthly Report.doc")
If myDoc.HasRoutingSlip = True _
    Then MsgBox myDoc.RoutingSlip.Message

Applies to | RoutingSlip Object

See Also | Subject Property