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MacroType Property [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]


XlXLMMacroType can be one of these XlXLMMacroType constants.
xlCommand. The name refers to a user-defined macro.
xlFunction. The name refers to a user-defined function.
xlNotXLM. The name doesn't refer to a function or macro.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example assumes that you created a custom function or command on a Microsoft Excel version 4.0 macro sheet. The example displays the function category, in the language of the macro. It assumes that the name of the custom function or command is the only name in the workbook.

With ActiveWorkbook.Names(1)
    If .MacroType <> xlNotXLM Then
        MsgBox "The category for this name is " & .Category
        MsgBox "This name does not refer to" & _
            " a custom function or command."
    End If
End With

Applies to | Name Object

See Also | Category Property