Lesson 2: Designing and Publishing a Web

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Lesson 2: Designing and Publishing a Web

In Lesson 1, you learned how easy it is to create Web pages with Microsoft FrontPage and then add them to a new Web site.

In this second lesson, you'll continue working with the Millennium Celebration Web you created by adding navigation bars to its pages, applying and customizing a graphical theme, previewing and testing the Web site, and then preparing the Web site for publication on the World Wide Web.

Before you publish a Web site, you'll want to make sure its pages and files are well organized, all of its hyperlinks are working, pages are free of spelling errors, and you have enough space available on the target Web server. FrontPage can help you complete these important tasks.

In this lesson, you will learn how to:

  • Create hyperlinks to other pages within a Web site.
  • Add shared borders and navigation bars.
  • Apply and customize a graphical theme.
  • Preview and test a Web site in a Web browser.
  • Organize files and folders.
  • Generate a Site Summary report.
  • Check spelling across all pages in a Web site.
  • Replace text on Web pages.
  • Create and assign Web site tasks.
  • Publish a Web site to the World Wide Web.

Enhancing the Appearance of a Web

If you're continuing this lesson directly from Lesson 1, the Millennium Celebration Web should still be open in FrontPage. If this is the case, skip down to the procedure named "To create hyperlinks to other pages."

If you're continuing this tutorial from a previous session, then you must first open the Web site before you can work with its pages.

To open an existing Web site

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Programs, and then click Microsoft FrontPage.

    In the Answer Wizard, type:
    How do I open a Web site?

  2. On the File menu, point to Recent Webs, and then click C:\My Documents\My Webs\Millennium to open the Millennium Celebration Web you created in Lesson 1.

    FrontPage opens the Web site. The application title bar now reads "Microsoft FrontPage - C:\My Documents\My Webs\Millennium."

    Because you'll be working with the pages you've already created, you can close the blank page that opened by default in Page view.

  3. On the File menu, click Close, or click the Close button in the upper right corner of the page.

    FrontPage closes the current page. Page view is now blank, but the Millennium Celebration Web remains open.

While creating hyperlinks from pictures and text in Lesson 1, you may have noticed that you don't have any connections yet between the pages in your Web site. Even if someone surfed to your current home page, they would have no way of getting to the other pages. In the next section, you'll learn how easy it is to make navigation hyperlinks to other pages.

To create hyperlinks to other pages

  1. On the toolbar, click the Folder List button to show the Folder List in Page view.

  2. Double-click index.htm in the Folder List to open the home page in Page view.

    You'll keep the Folder List visible while you create hyperlinks to the other pages in your Web site.

  3. When the home page is displayed in Page view, press CTRL+END to place the cursor at the end of the home page.

  4. Next, locate the page background.htm in the Folder List.

    The folders and files in the Folder List are shown in alphabetical order. The icon of each file gives you a clue about what kind of file it is.

    You will now drag and drop the Background page onto the bottom of the home page. When you do this, FrontPage will create a hyperlink to the Background page on the home page.

  5. Click and hold the mouse button on background.htm in the Folder List, move the mouse pointer on the line below the FrontPage button at the bottom of the home page, and then release the mouse button.

    FrontPage displays the shortcut mouse pointer while you drag the mouse to indicate that it will not actually insert the Background page, but will create a hyperlink pointing to it.

    FrontPage inserts the page title of the Background.htm file ("Background") as the hyperlink text. The blue underlined text shows the presence of the hyperlink.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the other pages in the Millennium Celebration Web, including Destinations.htm, Links.htm, and Photo_album.htm. Place each link just after the previous one.

  7. On your keyboard, press the DOWN ARROW key to deselect the last hyperlink.

Your page should now look like this:

While you can manually create hyperlinks to the other pages in your Web site this way, doing so for all pages in a Web site can become a time-consuming and tedious task, especially for larger Web sites. Worse, if you decide to add or remove pages in the current Web site after creating hyperlinks, you'll have to manually add or remove the hyperlinks to them.

FrontPage has a better way to create, manage, and automatically update the navigation hyperlinks that connect your pages together. Before you learn how to do this, let's get rid of the four hyperlinks you just made.

To use the multiple Undo command

Undo button with arrow

  1. On the toolbar, click the small arrow just to the right of the Undo button.

  2. FrontPage displays the Undo history, which shows the last several actions you can reverse. The first of these actions is selected by default. If you were to click it, then only that action would be reversed. You can also move the mouse over other entries in this list to include them in the Undo command.

    In the Answer Wizard, type:
    How can I correct a mistake?

  3. Since we want to get rid of all four hyperlinks you just dragged and dropped onto the home page, move the mouse down the list to select all four occurrences of Drop.

    The status bar in the Undo history window should read Undo 4 Actions.

  4. Click the mouse on the last occurrence of Drop in the list.

    FrontPage reverses the last four actions you took, and the four hyperlinks you created are removed from the home page.

  5. To save the current page, click Save on the File menu, or click the Save button on the toolbar.

Next section: Lesson 2 - Adding Shared Borders and Navigation Bars