Language-integrated axes in Visual Basic (LINQ to XML)

Axis features are integrated into Visual Basic, making it easy to access XML. Many of the examples in the LINQ to XML documentation use these features, which are described in the articles listed in this table:

Article Description
XML Child Axis Property Provides access to the children of one of the following: an XElement object, an XDocument object, a collection of XElement objects, or a collection of XDocument objects. This axis is equivalent to the Elements axis.
XML Descendant Axis Property Provides access to the descendants of the following: an XElement object, an XDocument object, or a collection of XElement objects. This axis is equivalent to the Descendants axis.
XML Attribute Axis Property Provides access to an attribute of an XElement object. This axis is roughly equivalent to the Attribute axis. This axis differs from the Attribute axis in that it returns the value of the attribute, not an XAttribute object.
Extension Indexer Property Provides access to individual elements in a collection.

See also