UdecxUsbDeviceLinkPowerExitComplete function (udecxusbdevice.h)

Completes an asynchronous request for sending the device to a low power state.


void UdecxUsbDeviceLinkPowerExitComplete(
  [in] UDECXUSBDEVICE UdecxUsbDevice,
  [in] NTSTATUS       CompletionStatus


[in] UdecxUsbDevice

A handle to UDE device object. The client driver retrieved this pointer in the previous call to UdecxUsbDeviceCreate.

[in] CompletionStatus

An appropriate NTSTATUS error code that indicates the success or failure of the asynchronous operation.

Return value



When the USB device emulation class extension (UdeCx) gets a request to send the device to a low power state, it invokes the client driver's implementation of the EVT_UDECX_USB_DEVICE_D0_EXIT callback function.

After the client driver has performed the necessary steps for sending the virtual USB device to low power state, the driver calls this method to notify the class extension that it has completed the power request.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016
Target Platform Windows
Minimum KMDF version 1.15
Header udecxusbdevice.h (include Udecx.h)
Library Udecxstub.lib

See also

Architecture: USB Device Emulation (UDE)


Write a UDE client driver