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start method

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Start DTLS transport negotiation with the parameters of the remote DTLS transport, including verification of the remote fingerprint, then once the DTLS transport session is established, negotiate a DTLS-SRTP [RFC5764] session to establish keys so as protect media using SRTP [RFC3711]. Since symmetric RTP [RFC4961] is utilized, the DTLS-SRTP session is bi-directional.

If remoteParameters is invalid, throw an InvalidParameters exception. If start() is called after a previous start() call, or if state is "closed", throw an InvalidParameters exception. Only a single DTLS transport can be multiplexed over an ICE transport. Therefore if a RTCDtlsTransport object dtlsTransportB is constructed with an RTCDtlsTransport object iceTransport previously used to construct another RTCDtlsTransport object dtlsTransportA, then if dtlsTransportB.start() is called prior to having called dtlsTransportA.stop(), then throw an InvalidStateError exception.




Return value

This method does not return a value.

Standards information