PAM REST API service details

The following sections discuss details of the Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) Privileged Access Management (PAM) REST API.

HTTP request headers

HTTP requests that are sent to the API should include the following headers (this list is not exhaustive):

Header Description
Authorization Required. The content depends on the authentication method, which is configurable and can be based on WIA (Windows Integrated Authentication) or ADFS.
Content-Type Required if the request has a body. Must be set to application/json.
Content-Length Required if the request has a body.
Cookie The session cookie. May be required depending on authentication method.

HTTP response headers

HTTP responses should include the following headers (this list is not exhaustive):

Header Description
Content-Type The API always returns application/json.
Content-Length The length of the request body, if present, in bytes.


The current version of the API is 1. The API version can be specified through a query parameter in the request URL, as in the following example: http://localhost:8086/api/pamresources/pamrequests?v=1 If the version is not specified in the request, the request is executed against the most recently released version of the API.


Access to the API requires Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). This should be configured manually in IIS before Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) installation.

HTTPS (TLS) is supported, but should be configured manually in IIS. For information, see: Implement Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the FIM Portal in Step 9: Perform FIM 2010 R2 Post-Installation Tasks in the Installing FIM 2010 R2 Test Lab Guide.

You can generate a new SSL server certificate by running the following command at the Visual Studio Command Prompt:

Makecert -r -pe -n CN="" -b 05/10/2014 -e 12/22/2048 -eku -ss my -sr localmachine -sky exchange -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12

The command creates a self-signed certificate that can be used to test a web application that uses SSL on a web server where the URL is The OID defined by the -eku option identifies the certificate as an SSL server certificate. The certificate is stored in my store and is available at the machine level. You can export the certificate from the Certificates snap-in in mmc.exe.

Cross Domain Access (CORS)

CORS is supported, but should be configured manually in IIS. Add the following elements to the deployed API web.config file to configure the API to allow cross domain calls:

            <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" value="true"  /> 
            <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="content-type" /> 
            <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="http://<hostname>:8090" /> 

Error handling

The API returns HTTP error responses to indicate error conditions. Errors are OData compliant. The following table shows the error codes that may be returned to a client:

HTTP status code Description
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
408 Request Timeout
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable


PAM REST API requests can include filters to specify the properties that should be included in the response. Filter syntax is based on OData expressions.

Filters can specify any of the properties of PAM Requests, PAM Roles. or Pending PAM Requests. For example: ExpirationTime, DisplayName, or any other valid property of a PAM Request, PAM Role, or Pending Request.

The API supports the following operators in filter expressions: And, Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThenOrEqueal, and LessThanOrEqual.

The following sample requests include filters:

  • This request returns all the PAM Requests between specific dates: http://localhost:8086/api/pamresources/pamrequests?$filter=ExpirationTime gt datetime'2015-01-09T08:26:49.721Z' and ExpirationTime lt datetime'2015-02-10T08:26:49.722Z'

  • This request returns the Pam Role with the display name "SQL File Access": http://localhost:8086/api/pamresources/pamroles?$filter=DisplayName eq 'SQL File Access'