IDWDesignerService.OpenDesignerEx Method (Object, UIntPtr, DwObjectKind, String, String, Object )


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Opens a designer.

Namespace:   Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces
Assembly:  Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces (in Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces.dll)


object OpenDesignerEx(
    object vsHierarchy,
    UIntPtr itemId,
    DwObjectKind objectType,
    string connectionString,
    string objectUrn,
    params object[] arguments
Object^ OpenDesignerEx(
    Object^ vsHierarchy,
    UIntPtr itemId,
    DwObjectKind objectType,
    String^ connectionString,
    String^ objectUrn,
    ... array<Object^>^ arguments
abstract OpenDesignerEx : 
        vsHierarchy:Object *
        itemId:unativeint *
        objectType:DwObjectKind *
        connectionString:string *
        objectUrn:string *
        [<ParamArrayAttribute>] arguments:Object[] -> Object
Function OpenDesignerEx (
    vsHierarchy As Object,
    itemId As UIntPtr,
    objectType As DwObjectKind,
    connectionString As String,
    objectUrn As String,
    ParamArray arguments As Object()
) As Object


  • connectionString
    Type: System.String

    The server connection string.

  • objectUrn
    Type: System.String

    The Xml representation of object URN.

  • arguments
    Type: System.Object[]

    The arguments to be pushed on stack before designer window activates.

Return Value

Type: System.Object

The designer being opened.

See Also

IDWDesignerService Interface
Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces Namespace

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