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JsonFormatHandler.TryMapFormatFriendlyName Method (String, ContentType)


Returns true if the specified friendly name ('xml' for instance) can be mapped to a content type ('application/xml' for instance). If the mapping can be performed return the content type that the friendlyName maps to.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Resources
Assembly:  Microsoft.Web.Mvc (in Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll)


public bool TryMapFormatFriendlyName(
    string friendlyName,
    out ContentType contentType
virtual bool TryMapFormatFriendlyName(
    String^ friendlyName,
    [OutAttribute] ContentType^% contentType
) sealed
abstract TryMapFormatFriendlyName : 
        friendlyName:string *
        contentType:ContentType byref -> bool
override TryMapFormatFriendlyName : 
        friendlyName:string *
        contentType:ContentType byref -> bool
Public Function TryMapFormatFriendlyName (
    friendlyName As String,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef contentType As ContentType
) As Boolean


Return Value

Type: System.Boolean

true if the specified friendly name ('xml' for instance) can be mapped to a content type ('application/xml' for instance); otherwise, false.


IResponseFormatHandler.TryMapFormatFriendlyName(String, ContentType)

See Also

JsonFormatHandler Class
Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Resources Namespace

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