Using the Application

Using the Application

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The Issue Tracking application lets users keep track of contacts and issues pertaining to companies in the application database. Each contact, issue, and company in the database can be assigned several descriptive properties, such as name, status, comments, and so on. For more information about non-administrative user tasks, see User Tasks in the Application.

As well as managing tasks associated with tracking issues, application administrators manage the database used by the application. Security settings can be configured to allow administrators to perform management tasks, while disallowing non-administrative users access to administrative functionality. For more information about administrative tasks, see Administrative Tasks.

Users view and modify contact, company, and issue properties by viewing appropriate application pages in Microsoft® Internet Explorer. If security settings on the Exchange server allow it, users can also access application data using Microsoft Outlook® Web Access. Because the primary intention of the Issue Tracking application is to demonstrate how to use Microsoft .NET technology to access Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, this documentation does not describe using Outlook Web Access.

For an overview of the relationships between pages in the application, see Application Site Map.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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