Obtaining Schannel Credentials (Windows CE 5.0)

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Credentials are required by the Schannel authentication process. Both the client and the server must obtain valid credentials to establish a security context for message exchange.

Your application obtains credentials by calling the AcquireCredentialsHandle function. This function returns a handle to the requested credentials. Because a credentials handle is used to store credential settings, the same handle cannot be used for both client-side and server-side operations. This means that applications that support both client and server connections must obtain a minimum of two credentials handles.

An SCHANNEL_CRED structure specifies the following information:

  • A security protocol.
  • The allowable ciphers.
  • Minimum and maximum cipher strengths.
  • An X.509 certificate used for authentication. This is required for the server, and is optional for the client unless the server requests client authentication.

Pass the SCHANNEL_CRED structure through the pAuthData parameter to the AcquireCredentialsHandle function. This function returns the credentials handle required to establish a security context.

For more information about certificates, see Certificates.

See Also

Authentication Services | Security Support Provider Interface Architecture | Security Packages | Authentication Services Security | Authentication Services Registry Settings | Authentication Services Reference

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