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The PRICING_ERROR_CODE class lists pricing error codes. Please note that although the APIs may accept any value, these are the valid values.

This class does not need instantiation or initialization because the fields represent constant integer values.


[Visual Basic .NET]
   Inherits System.Object
public class PRICING_ERROR_CODE: System.Object
public __gc class PRICING_ERROR_CODE: public System.Object

The PRICING_ERROR_CODE class exposes the following integer fields.

Field Value Description
PEC_DETAIL_ERROR 1 Specifies that an error occurred while pricing a detail line item.
PEC_DISCOUNT_TYPE_INVALID_STATE 27 Specifies the discount type has an invalid state.
PEC_INACTIVE_PRICE_LEVEL 3 Specifies an inactive price level.
PEC_INVALID_CURRENT_COST 20 Specifies an invalid current cost.
PEC_INVALID_DISCOUNT 28 Specifies an invalid discount.
PEC_INVALID_DISCOUNT_TYPE 26 Specifies an invalid discount type.
PEC_INVALID_PRICE 19 Specifies an invalid price.
PEC_INVALID_PRICE_LEVEL_AMOUNT 17 Specifies an invalid price level amount.
PEC_INVALID_PRICE_LEVEL_PERCENTAGE 18 Specifies an invalid price level percentage.
PEC_INVALID_PRICING_CODE 9 Specifies an invalid pricing method code.
PEC_INVALID_PRICING_PRECISION 30 Specifies an invalid pricing precision.
PEC_INVALID_PRODUCT 7 Specifies an invalid product.
PEC_INVALID_QUANTITY 29 Specifies an invalid quantity.
PEC_INVALID_ROUNDING_AMOUNT 24 Specifies an invalid rounding amount.
PEC_INVALID_ROUNDING_OPTION 23 Specifies an invalid rounding option.
PEC_INVALID_ROUNDING_POLICY 22 Specifies an invalid rounding policy.
PEC_INVALID_STANDARD_COST 21 Specifies an invalid standard cost.
PEC_MISSING_CURRENT_COST 15 Specifies a missing current cost.
PEC_MISSING_PRICE 14 Specifies a missing price.
PEC_MISSING_PRICE_LEVEL 2 Specifies a missing price level.
PEC_MISSING_PRICE_LEVEL_AMOUNT 12 Specifies a missing price level amount.
PEC_MISSING_PRICE_LEVEL_PERCENTAGE 13 Specifies a missing price level percentage.
PEC_MISSING_PRICING_CODE 8 Specifies a missing pricing method code.
PEC_MISSING_PRODUCT 6 Specifies a missing product.
PEC_MISSING_PRODUCT_DEFAULTUOM 31 Specifies a missing product default unit of measure.
PEC_MISSING_PRODUCT_UOMSCHEDULE 32 Specifies a missing product default unit of measure schedule.
PEC_MISSING_QUANTITY 4 Specifies a missing quantity.
PEC_MISSING_STANDARD_COST 16 Specifies a missing standard cost.
PEC_MISSING_UNIT_PRICE 5 Specifies a missing unit price
PEC_MISSING_UOM 10 Specifies a missing unit of measure.
PEC_NONE 0 Specifies no error.
PEC_PRICE_CALCULATION_ERROR 25 Specifies that an error occurred during price calculation.
PEC_PRODUCT_NOT_IN_PRICE_LEVEL 11 Specifies that the product is not in the price level.


Namespace: Microsoft.Crm.Platform.Types

Assembly: Microsoft.Crm.Platform.Types.dll

See Also

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