Rich List overview

A Rich List result viewer is useful for displaying large data sets returned from a query through Query Web Service (QWS). Rich Lists have a wide variety of capabilities. You can sort the query results in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column headers. You can also scroll horizontally and vertically through the query results.

Rich Lists have a query menu and find, status, and action areas. These features are optional, and their visibility is specified during the implementation of the Rich List. You can also display a header containing the query’s column names. The following illustration shows a Rich List.


The Rich List has an advanced find area which allows you to search a field in the query results for a string of characters. To search the query results, select a column, enter a set of characters, and click the Go button, represented by the green arrow. A set of results based on the search item will be displayed. Use the Clear button to clear restrictions placed on the results and display the original query.

A Rich List can publish data when an item is selected, and can subscribe to data published by other result viewers. For more information on how result viewers publish and subscribe, refer to Web Part Communication.