Query page overview

Query pages allow Business Portal users to perform queries and retrieve data inside the Business Portal. A query page is typically displayed as a second-level menu item located inside a center. The following illustration shows the Lead Queries page, found in the BPSDK center.


Query categories

The list of queries displayed in a query page is organized into three categories. These categories include:

My Queries   Personal queries created by a query page user.

Shared Queries   Predefined queries shared among the users of a query page.

Center Queries   Default queries for the entities assigned to a query page.

The queries displayed under the My Queries and Shared Queries categories are stored in subfolders of a query page’s root folder. For more information about how folders are used to organize queries in a query page, refer to Query page folders.

The Center Queries category displays a list of default queries for the entities assigned to the query page in a configuration file. These queries are not stored in folders, but are dynamically generated each time the page is loaded. For more information on the configuration file for a query page, refer to Creating a configuration file.

When a query is processed in a query page, the query results are displayed along with a set of links to related default queries. These links allow users to retrieve additional information related to a query’s results. To use a link, a user must first select a row in the query’s result set, and then select a link. The default query represented by the link will be processed, and a new result set will be displayed along with a new set of links.

Links are derived from the Unified Modeling Language (UML) models that you created for your entities. These models can include associations that define the relationships between entities. It is important that the associations between the entities in your model are properly represented, so that links are displayed on your query pages. For more information about how to model associations, refer to Hypermedia navigation.