Performance Extension DLL Creation (Windows CE 5.0)

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The extension DLL for your application defines the counter and object data structures that pass performance data to performance monitoring applications.

Communication between an application and its performance DLL differs for user-mode and privileged-mode applications.

The performance DLL for the application executes in user mode. Because of this, a user-mode application, such as a print and display application, can use any technique for interprocess communication such as file mapping or remote procedure call (RPC).

However, privileged-mode applications must provide an I/O control code (IOCTL) interface that returns the performance data to the performance DLL.

Do not use Component Object Model (COM) as the interprocess communication mechanism.

The system cannot guarantee the COM initialization state of the thread calling the interface. Therefore, the DLL might not be able to initialize COM and collect the data.

See Also

DLL Interaction with a Performance Monitor Application

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