Array Manipulation Functions

The arrays passed by the IDispatch::Invoke interface within VARIANTARGs are called SAFEARRAYs. SAFEARRAYs contain information about the number of dimensions and bounds within them. When an array is an argument or the return value of a function, the parray field of VARIANTARG points to an array descriptor. Do not access this array descriptor directly, unless you are creating arrays containing elements with nonvariant data types. Instead, use the SafeArrayAccessData and SafeArrayUnaccessData functions to access the data.

The base type of the array is indicated by VT_ tag | VT_ARRAY. The data referenced by an array descriptor is stored in column-major order, which is the same ordering scheme used by Visual Basic and Fortran, but different from C and Pascal. Column-major order is when the left-most dimension, as specified in programming language syntax, changes first.

The following table shows the functions to use when accessing the data in the descriptor and the array.

Array manipulation function Description
SafeArrayAccessData Increments the lock count of an array and returns a pointer to array data.
SafeArrayAllocData Allocates memory for a SAFEARRAY based on a descriptor created with SafeArrayAllocDescriptor.
SafeArrayAllocDescriptor Allocates memory for a SAFEARRAY descriptor.
SafeArrayCopy Copies an existing array.
SafeArrayCopyData Copies a source array to a target array after releasing source resources.
SafeArrayCreate Creates a new array descriptor.
SafeArrayCreateVector Creates a one-dimensional array whose lower bound is always zero.
SafeArrayDestroy Destroys an array descriptor.
SafeArrayDestroyData Frees memory used by the data elements in a SAFEARRAY.
SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor Frees memory used by a SAFEARRAY descriptor.
SafeArrayGetDim Returns the number of dimensions in an array.
SafeArrayGetElemsize Returns the size of an element.
SafeArrayGetLBound Retrieves the lower bound for a given dimension.
SafeArrayGetUBound Retrieves the upper bound for a given dimension.
SafeArrayLock Increments the lock count of an array.
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex Returns a pointer to an array element.
SafeArrayPutElement Assigns an element to an array.
SafeArrayRedim Resizes a SAFEARRAY.
SafeArrayUnaccessData Frees a pointer to array data and decrements the lock count of the array.
SafeArrayUnlock Decrements the lock count of an array.

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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