Navigating the Create Mailbox Before User Logon Sample Application Source Code

Navigating the Create Mailbox Before User Logon Sample Application Source Code

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The CreateMailboxBeforeLogon.vbs file contains the source code for the Create Mailbox Before User Logon sample application and is installed with the Exchange Server 2003 Software Development Kit (SDK) in the following directory: \Program Files\Exchange SDK\SDK\Samples\CreateMailboxBeforeLogon\. The following table provides a list of the subprocedures relevant to creating a new user in Microsoft® Active Directory®, creating a mailbox for the user in the Exchange store, and forcing the Microsoft Exchange server to create the mailbox folders in the Exchange store.

Create Mailbox Before User Logon sample application (CreateMailboxBeforeLogon.vbs)

Function Description
CreateNewUser(strDCServerName, strGivenName, strSurname, strAlias, strPassword, objUser, strDomainDN) Creates a new user in Active Directory with the specified given name, surname, e-mail alias, and password.
CreateNewUserMailbox(objUser, strLDAPUrl) Creates a mailbox for the new user in the specified mailbox store.
CreateMailboxFolders(strServerName, strDomainDN, strAlias, strPassword, strFolderLang) Forces the specified Exchange server to create the user's mailbox folders if they don't already exist.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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