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This structure contains information about the sticky keys accessibility option. When the sticky keys option is on, the user can press a modifier key and then another key successively, instead of simultaneously, to enter shifted or modified characters and other key combinations. The modifier keys are SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT.

typedef struct tagSTICKYKEYS{
  UINT cbSize;
  DWORD dwFlags;


  • cbSize
    Unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of this structure.
  • dwFlags
    DWORD that contains a set of bit flags that specify properties for the sticky keys option. The following table shows the possible values.
    Value Description
    SKF_AUDIBLEFEEDBACK The system plays a sound when the user latches, locks, or releases modifier keys using the sticky keys option.
    SKF_AVAILABLE The sticky keys option is available for use.
    SKF_HOTKEYACTIVE The user can turn the sticky keys option on and off by pressing the SHIFT key five times.
    SKF_HOTKEYSOUND The system plays a siren sound when the user turns the sticky keys option on or off by using the hot key.
    SKF_STICKYKEYSON The sticky keys option is on.
    SKF_TRISTATE The user can lock down a modifier key by pressing it twice in a row. The key remains locked down until the user presses it a third time.


Use a STICKYKEYS structure when you call the SystemParametersInfo function with the wAction parameter set to SPI_GETSTICKYKEYS or SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS. When using SPI_GETSTICKYKEYS, you must specify the cbSize member of the STICKYKEYS structure; the SystemParametersInfo function fills in the remaining members. Specify all structure members when using the SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS value.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Windows.h.

See Also

SystemParametersInfo | Enabling Sticky Keys | Accessibility Structures

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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