<microsoft.web.services2> Element

Controls the configuration options defined by WSE.


Attributes and Elements



Child Elements

Element Description

<diagnostics> Element

Optional element. Controls the diagnostics settings for WSE.

<filters> Element

Optional element. Controls the custom filters applied to SOAP messages sent and received by WSE applications.

<policy> Element (WSE for Microsoft .NET) (2)

Optional element. Controls the declaration and enforcement of policies.

<referral> Element

Optional element. Controls the routing information for a WSE application.

<security> Element

Optional element. Controls the security settings for a WSE application.

<tokenIssuer> Element (WSE for Microsoft .NET) (2)

Optional element. Controls the security token service.

Parent Elements



Before adding the <microsoft.web.services2> element to a configuration file, you must add the microsoft.web.services2 configuration section handler to the configuration file. For details about adding the microsoft.web.services2 configuration section handler, see <section> Element (WSE for Microsoft .NET).

See Also


<diagnostics> Element
<filters> Element
<policy> Element (WSE for Microsoft .NET) (2)
<referral> Element
<security> Element
<tokenIssuer> Element (WSE for Microsoft .NET) (2)