What's New in Service Pack 2

The following sections detail the new features, core product changes, and new documentation topics in service pack 2.

New Features

Feature Description

KerberosToken2 security token

The KerberosToken2 security token extends the capability of the KerberosToken security token, such that it can be used to secure SOAP messages sent to a Web farm and the identity associated with it can be impersonated. For more details, see Differences between KerberosToken and KerberosToken2.

Core product changes

Documentation Updates

The following topics were added to the documentation.

Topic Description

Differences between KerberosToken and KerberosToken2

Details the differences between the KerberosToken2 and KerberosToken security tokens.

<add> Element for <encryptionFormatters>

Adds an encryption formatter for security token managers.

<add> Element for <keyExchangeFormatters>

Adds a key exchange formatter for security token managers.

<add> Element for <signatureFormatters>

Adds a signature formatter for security token managers.

<compatibility> Element

Specifies the wire format used by outgoing SOAP messages.

<cryptography> Element

Specifies the list of cryptographic algorithms that are available to place keys, encrypted data, and digital signatures in a SOAP message.

<encryptionFormatters> Element

Specifies the types that take encrypted data and place it within a SOAP message according to the specified encryption algorithm.

<generationLimit> Element

For DerivedKeyToken security tokens, specifies the maximum position at which the derived key is located in the byte stream for a serialized security token.

<ImpersonationLevel> Element

Specifies how a recipient of a KerberosToken2 security token can use the identity associated with the security token.

<keyAlgorithm> Element for <binarySecurityTokenManager>

Specifies the key algorithm used by a security token.

<keyAlgorithm> Element for <cryptography>

Specifies the list of cryptographic algorithms that are available to generate keys or encrypt SOAP messages.

<keyAlgorithm> Element for <securityTokenManager>

Specifies the algorithm used to generate keys for a security token that uses symmetric keys.

<keyExchangeFormatters> Element

Specifies the types available to security token managers that can take a key and place it within a SOAP message according to a specific cryptographic algorithm.

<offsetLimit> Element

For DerivedKeyToken security tokens, specifies the maximum position at which the derived key is located in the byte stream for a serialized security token.

<renewalWindowInSeconds> Element

For KerberosToken and SecurityContextToken security tokens, specifies the period of time immediately prior to expiration, in which the security can be renewed.

<signatureFormatters> Element

Specifies the types that take a digital signature and place it within a SOAP message according to the specified cryptographic algorithm.

See Also


Differences between KerberosToken and KerberosToken2