Adding Carpool Inventory Data to the Resource Explorer

By default, the Resource Explorer is designed to display hardware and software resource information for the system resource type. To display the carpool inventory, you need to add instances of the SMS_PropertyDisplayNode class. The following instances add a Carpool root node that contains leaf nodes for service, tire, and vehicle information.

instance of SMS_PropertyDisplayNode
   Flags = 3;
   NodeKey = 1010;
   NodeName = "Carpool";
   ParentNodeKey = 0;

instance of SMS_PropertyDisplayNode
   ClassName = "SMS_G_Carpool_CARPOOL";
   Flags = 4;
   NodeKey = 1011;
   NodeName = "Vehicle";
   ParentNodeKey = 1010;

instance of SMS_PropertyDisplayNode
   ClassName = "SMS_G_Carpool_SERVICE";
   Flags = 4;
   NodeKey = 1012;
   NodeName = "Service Record";
   ParentNodeKey = 1010;

instance of SMS_PropertyDisplayNode
   ClassName = "SMS_G_Carpool_TIRES";
   Flags = 4;
   NodeKey = 1013;
   NodeName = "Tire Rotation";
   ParentNodeKey = 1010;

For more information on how you can customize the Resource Explorer, see Adding a Node to the Resource Explorer and Changing the Default Display Information in the Resource Explorer.