Terminate a Call

The following code example demonstrates how to terminate a call. The operations in the Initialize RTC, Register To Receive Events, and Create a Session and Make a Call code examples must be performed before using this example.

Note  This example does not contain error checking or releases appropriate for real code.

C++ Code Example

// Specify a reason from the RTC_TERMINATE_REASON
// enumeration to terminate the call.

hr = pIRTCSession->Terminate(RTCTR_NORMAL);

// If (hr != S_OK), process the error here.

// This code is placed in the RTCE_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE event handler method.

IRTCSessionStateChangeEvent  *pISessionState = NULL;
RTC_SESSION_STATE             SessionState;

// Get the session state interface from the event object.
hr = pIDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IRTCSessionStateChangeEvent,
reinterpret_cast<void**> (&pISessionState));

// If (hr != S_OK), process the error here.

hr = pISessionState->get_State(&SessionState);

// If (hr != S_OK), process the error here.

// Handle relevant session states here.

    // Handle the disconnect notification.
        // The session must be released and set to NULL.
        pIRTCSession = NULL;


Visual Basic Code Example

'Set the error handling routine here. 
' On Error GoTo MyErrorRoutine 

'In the method for handling user events, the user 
'clicks a button to end the call.
Call g_objSession.Terminate(RTCTR_NORMAL)

'In the Session State Change event handler and for the 
'RTCSS_DISCONNECTED event, free memory by setting objects to 'Nothing 'Declare the session event interface.
Dim objSessionEvent As IRTCSessionStateChangeEvent
Dim state As RTC_SESSION_STATE    

'pEvent is an "Unknown" object; query it to get 
'the IRTCSessionStateChangeEvent interface.
Set objSessionEvent = pEvent
state = objSessionEvent.state
Select Case state

    'Handle the disconnect notification.
        ' Free the Session and Participant objects.
        Set g_objSession = Nothing
        Set g_objParticipant = Nothing
End Select