
The put_ClientCurVer method specifies the version of the application for the User-Agent header. For example, users can specify MyApplicationName version 1.2

HRESULT put_ClientCurVer(BSTRbstrClientCurVer);


  • bstrClientCurVer
    [in] BSTR containing the version of the application used by the application.

Return Values

RTC methods may return an RTC_E_ constant.


The server uses the information supplied in this method along with the information supplied by the IRTCClient2::put_ClientName method for the User-Agent header of the SIP request sent to the server.


Redistributable: Requires Rtcdll.dll on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
Header: Declared in Rtccore.h.
Library: Included as a resource in Rtcdll.dll.
GUID: IID_IRTCClient2 is defined as 0C91D71D-1064-42da-BFA5-572BEB8EEA84.

See Also
