Helper SpSetCommonTokenData (SAPI 5.3)

Microsoft Speech API 5.3


SpSetCommonTokenData fills in the token data with the information provided by the parameters. Unused parameters must be NULL.

Found in: sphelper.h

   ISpObjectToken   *pToken,
   const CLSID      *pclsid,
   const WCHAR      *pszLangIndependentName,
   LANGID            langid,
   const WCHAR      *pszLangDependentName,
   ISpDataKey      **ppDataKeyAttribs


  • pToken
    [in] Address of a pointer to an ISpObjectToken object containing the information associated with the tokens being added.
  • pclsid
    [in] Sets the token's CLSID, if specified.
  • pszLangIndependentName
    [in] Sets the token's language independent name.
  • langid
    [in] The language ID of the word. May be zero to indicate the word can be of any LANGID.
  • pszLangDependentName
    [in] Sets the token's language dependent name.
  • ppDataKeyAttribs
    [in] Opens the attributes key. The key is created if it does not currently exist. May be NULL if not needed.

Return values
